Monday 4 January 2016

what i've read

  1. C.S. Lewis - The Horse and His Boy
  2. C.S. Lewis - Prince Caspian
  3. Jeffrey Eugenides - The Virgin Suicides
  4. C.S. Lewis - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  5. Jennifer Niven - All the Bright Places
  6. Marissa Meyer - Cinder
  7. Marissa Meyer - Scarlet
  8. Margaret Atwood - The Penelopiad*
  9. Ali Smith - How to be Both
  10. Colleen Hoover - Confess
  11. Marissa Meyer - Cress
  1. Lena Dunham - Not That Kind of Girl*
  2. G. Simsion - The Rosie Project
  3. Cheryl Strayed - Wild
  4. K. Fowler - We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
  5. M. Kaling - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me
  6. Paulo Coelho - Adultery
  7. Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird
  8. J. Moyes - Me Before You
  9. E. Mandel - Station Eleven
  10. K. Atkinson - Life After Life
  11. E. Catton - The Luminaries
  12. Jane Austen - Sense & Sensibility*
  13. Anthony Doerr - All the Light We Cannot See
  14. F. Segal - The Innocents
  15. N. Ephron - Heartburn
  16. Malala Yousafzai & Christina Lamb - I Am Malala
  17. J.D. Salinger - Franny & Zooey
  18. David Nicholls - Us*
  19. George Orwell - Down & Out in Paris & London
  20. H. Jacobson - J
  21. Charlotte Mendelson - Almost English
  22. Jeffrey Eugenides - The Marriage Plot
  23. Milan Kundera - The Festival of Insignificance*
  24. Junot Diaz - This Is How You Lose Her
  25. M. NDiaye - Three Strong Women
  26. Anna Smaill - The Chimes
  27. Hanya Yanagihara - A LITTLE LIFE
  28. E. Lockhart - We Were Liars*
  29. William Shakespeare - The Winter's Tale
  30. Jeanette Winterson - The Gap of Time
  31. Charles Bukowski - The Pleasures of the Damned (poetry)
  32. H. Fielding - Bridget Jones' Diary
  33. H. Fielding - Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason
  34. H. Fielding - Mad About the Boy
  35. Stephanie Perkins (ed) - My True Love Gave to Me*
  36. John Green - Looking for Alaska
  37. L. Carroll - Alice in Wonderland
  38. C.S. Lewis - The Magician's Nephew
  39. C.S. Lewis - The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
my weird rating system (in descending order):
Author Name = I loved it
* = honourable mention
Author Name = a good read
A. Name = okay but not great

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